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The Mystery Shopping Book!

[space_20]How to Become a Mystery Shopper

Your Complete Guide to Successful Mystery Shopping

You can start earning money today.

This is the only mystery shopping book you will need.

Do you need to make hundreds of extra dollars each month?

Are you curious about how you can get paid to shop and get free things?

Are you looking for a side-hustle to help meet your financial goals?

Mystery shopping is the answer!

This step-by-step guide will teach you everything you need to know.


How to Become a Mystery Shopper puts you on the fast track to start mystery shopping! This book contains everything you need to know to start making money as a mystery shopper TODAY.


In 2004, with two young children at home, I started mystery shopping to bring in extra income and get free things. Because money was tight (understatement!) I had no room in the budget for anything extra. Mystery shopping provided the opportunity to get groceries, take my kids out to dinner, do fun activities like miniature golf and go to the movies, stay at four and five-star hotels, and bring in the cash I needed. Since then, I have dined at some of the best restaurants, stayed at some of the finest hotels and resorts in the world, and saved a ton of money because I haven’t paid for any of it! In fact, I’ve gotten paid all along the way.


Available in PDF download, Kindle (on Amazon) and paperback.


Beginners and experienced shoppers will improve their shopping skills.

This new expanded mystery shopping book includes:

      • Signing up with Mystery Shopping Companies
      • How to find and apply for assignments
      • Completing jobs and writing excellent reports
      • Hotel Mystery Shopping
      • Technology Tools to help you get the job done right
      • Avoiding scams

    Includes an updated list of hundreds of Mystery Shopping Companies around the world.[space_20]

How to Become a Mystery Shopper
Paperback. 121 pages
Published by Smarty Pants Finance

Elaine Moran and Jennifer Hayes have mystery shopped their way through Southern California and beyond. Both Elaine and Jennifer teach shopping classes at colleges and libraries and are well respected as the crème de la crème of secret shoppers.